Completing and re-starting university…

… all in one day.

Thanks to something called the Bologna Process, the way that universities across Europe give out degrees changed this summer. This was quite good news for me as under the old rules, I wasn’t going to be able to take out a qualification for the masters degree program I had completed 80% of over the last few years. I wasn’t too bothered as I had done the program to learn something new and not to get another piece of paper, but under these new rules I have only to complete 4 more classes and I will be able to take out another degree.

The first of those classes started today. It’s been at least 1 ½ years since I sat in a class-room environment and although the subject is one I’m really interested in, I think the lecturer is going to have his work cut out getting it through to the students. The course is on what scientists can actually assume to be true and how keeping an open mind and not just following the scientific dogma of the day can lead to breakthroughs. “Question Everything” doesn’t really sink into people who have just arrived from places where the political culture is to “Follow the Leader”. It’s going to be loooong course!

But when I came home I had a nice little surprise!
I finished my first master program in autumn 2005, but due to ongoing confusion about the status of my other degree program and the fact I took one year off to set up the empire, I never actually got my diploma. It arrived today, so now I can officially prove that I haven’t just spent the last three years of my life thinking of things to write on this blog!

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