The Mamas and the Tapas

Went out last night with H & C to a tapas bar called Mamas & Tapas near Rådhuset here in Stockholm. Best was the goat cheese and giant olives!

It reminds me of the time me and Emanuel went to a Tapas bar in Austin, Texas. They were really strict about the 21+ age limit and although we were both 27, they wanted to see the ID that everyone in America always carries, but that we didn’t have. The conversation was a little like this…

The Waitress: Good evening Gentlemen, can I see some ID?

Emanuel and Gary: Eh, we don’t have any.

Waitress (looking amazed) : But you must have some ID?

E and G: Nope sorry, we don’t carry ID.

Waitress: But what if you were to get hit by a bus?

E and G: Do you have many buses in this restaurant?

Needless to say, we got in and had the best tapas you could wish for. I could eat there every night!

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One Response to The Mamas and the Tapas

  1. David says:

    …Mamas & Tapas…. buddy… how come you did not call me????? Me!! the tapas lover!!! Next time… by the way, you will never know what a real tapa is until I make them for you 😉 Cheers

    The “eastern gentleman” :)

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