Going, Going…


An old friend to this blog looks like she will be making her last appearance on these pages for a while.


Wendy has stepped down as “heed bummer” of the Scottish branch of the Labour party. With her lip in full petted mode, she blamed all her political opponents for her downfall, while others said it was just because she was a numpty.

What will this mean for her grand vision for a new Scotland? Surely we can’t let these plans die with her leadership? (I tried to do a search on BBC news for her grand plan to secure it for the nation, but out of 10 pages, all I could find were stories about illegal donations and gaffs).

I actually think this is a shame. We need to show that the parliament is a place capable of running a successful Scotland and having a non-existent opposition just plays into the hands of those who say it’s not to be taken seriously.

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3 Responses to Going, Going…

  1. anonymous says:

    Dear Gary,

    I’m a long time reader/fan of your blog. A while ago you wrote an interesting piece about your team Real Ale Madrid which apparently had more points team Niklas. Would be interesting with a follow up on this topic since the Euro cup is now finished :)

  2. Gary says:

    Dear Niklas, eh I mean, Anonymous,

    Unfortunately for technical reasons outwith my control, all references to this competition will result in an automatic adding to the comments spam black-list.

    This is indeed unfortunate as I would like to tell the story of how Real Ale Madrid ruled right up until the last game, but were robbed by some dodgy Italien refereeing. I have sent a complaint in writing to Uefa and can’t really comment while the investigation is ongoing.

    Best regards,

    P.S I hear you are in the running for Lars Lagerbäck’s job?

  3. Panagiotis says:

    When in doubt blame the Italians…

    Usually works…

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