Pictures of Stockholm

We were out last week at our favourite restaurant Hermans in Sodermalm. One of the best things about this restaurant is the view and because the weather was so nice we decided to sit out on the veranda and were lucky enough to be able to watch the balloons flying over the harbour from Djurgarden.



We left the restaurant just as the sun was going down behind the old city…


Quite a famous story in Sweden is of the ship Gotheborg  which is built according to the main dimensions to the hull and rig of a Swedish East India Company ship that sank in Gothenburg harbour in September, 1745. For the last couple of years, it has sailed around the world to China (in fact it arrived in China the same time I was there).

We got a bit of a surprise, when we turned around to see it sailing up the Stockholm harbour (especially when it started to fire it’s canons) and then docking at Skeppsbron. Very Cool.




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2 Responses to Pictures of Stockholm

  1. Panagiotis says:

    You mean the Vasa ship ??? The swedes built a ship which sank right after it exited the port…. I mean that has to tell you something about their naval skills….

    The balloons are cool though!

  2. Gary says:

    Not the Vasa this time, but a similar story on the other side of the country. You can check it out here…

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