Over to Linux

For the last week or so my computer has been constantly crashing right in the middle of typing sentan… (crash)


Anyway, I decided that the best course of action was to go for a re-install of the operating system. I use Windows 2000 on my home computer because I never liked Windows XP (and also because it’s the best system Microsoft made). Now Windows 2000 is running out of steam (it hasn’t been available to buy for over 4 years) and I don’t really see it being supported (i.e my MP3 player doesn’t work and my digital camera only works with the addition of some totally hideous software that takes about 1Gb).

Going to XP feels like a backward step and Vista is not an option because of my old hardware (also my Mum & Dad have it on their computer and it’s unusable, half the time it thinks USB drives are floppy drives etc.)

We use Ubuntu 6.1 Linux at work for our systems and I like it and I’m pretty comfortable with it. I have toyed with the idea of going to Linux for a few years, but their was always some excuse such as it wouldn’t detect my audio card and it took a degree in artificial intelligence to make it connect to the Internet. But recently it seems to be much better and the excuses got down to things such as how does it cope with Word documents and it didn’t support Skype etc.

This will be a little experiment to see how long I can go before coming crawling back to Microsoft products. I’ll be installing Ubuntu 8.04 and getting rid of Microsoft Office, MediaPlayer and their friends and instead be relying on Open Office along with programs I already know are great such as Firefox, Thunderbird and VLC Player.

The next posting will be written from Linux. I’ll see if I can last 2 weeks without Microsoft products.

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