Fitness Goal 2011: 5 Weeks in

Quick update as I’m heading off soon…

Weight Training

I had the cold for a couple of days, so my weight training wasn’t the best. 2 X 10 minute sessions 6 days apart.

Weight Loss

Down to 77.5Kg. This has now been 30 days on this “diet” and losing 4.5Kg is not bad. However today is my last day following it religiously. The only problem for me was having protein filled breakfasts and from today onwards that stops and I will change back to muesli, toast etc. I’ll keep a good eye on what effects this has as I introduce other types of foods again, but I will be following the principles of not eating plates full of rice and pasta on top of bread at midnight and I think the another couple of kilos of fat will still come off over the next month or so.

Interval Running

Two sets of intervals this week for a total time of less than 24 minutes (less than 12 minutes of actual running).

My average 400m time continues to drop.

Avg Pace
1 00:01:15 0,40 03:08
3 00:01:14 0,40 03:06
5 00:01:37 0,40 04:04
7 00:01:33 0,40 03:53
Avg Pace
1 00:01:16 0,40 03:12
3 00:01:16 0,40 03:12
5 00:01:29 0,40 03:44
7 00:01:25 0,40 03:34

Test Run

Today I did a 5Km test run to see if progress is being made. Again, I found it tough to complete the 5Km and I’m not sure I could have done another step, but my time was slightly better than last week for the exact same course. Down from 21:40 to 21:24. This gave me an average of 4:16 per Km. 16 more of those and I would have hit my half marathon goal!

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