This year’s fitness goal!

Last year around this time I was training hard for the Stockholm Marathon which was to be my first and so far only marathon. That was my fitness goal for last year and I was pretty chuffed to achieve it especially having only trained for 10 weeks and still got in under 4 hours.

So the summer is just around the corner and I have hit on my plan for this year, but first lets turn back the clock to the summer of 2004…

It was a simpler time, when this was all fields and people would leave their doors unlocked (generally after a drunken night out and losing their keys).

I had just moved to Sweden about 3 weeks earlier and Neil and I ran the Stockholm half marathon where I set a personal best for that distance. I came in 672nd place in a time of 1.38.14.

My goal for this year is not only to beat that 25 year old’s time, but to in fact run a half marathon in under 1h30 mins!

I think this is quite a challenge. An example of that is in the 2004 race, a time of 1:29:59 would have put me in 274th place. Out of the 2960 that finished the race, that would put one in the top 10%.

Ok, so the goal is set. What now?

Unfortunately over the winter I put on a few pounds… In fact I went from my marathon weight of about 74Kg to 82Kg. I don’t think there is anything particularly wrong with that 82Kg as a weight, but the fact is that it exists purely because of the amount of scrappy food and mainly chocolates etc. I have been eating for the last 8 months.

Time to pull the plug on that, and since last Tuesday I have been sugar free along with making some other small dietary changes. I think that I could easily lose a roughly 6-8 Kg of fat quite quickly (maybe the next 8 weeks). I’ve actually been eating more food and better quality food this last week, so it feels good. I’ve also built in a “treat” day on a Saturday where I just eat whatever comes within 10 feet of me, so I’m not missing out and can put a serious dent in all the left over Easter eggs.

Have to say that the first 3 days without sugar left me nearly exhausted though, but now I feel pretty good.

The most important point in my plan though will be simple maths. To do a half marathon in 1h29 mins (89 mins) means that you have to run at a pace of 4mins13s for every Km. For the 8Km run I did a few weeks ago, my average pace was 05:33 min/km.

Time for some short distance speed work!

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7 Responses to This year’s fitness goal!

  1. Graeme says:

    Nothing wrong with a weight of 82kg at all. I tend to favour a weight closer to 87kg however, but that’s just my personal preference. (I worry about blowing away on windy days)

  2. Gary says:

    Haha, You really have to watch out for windy days in west lothian! Plenty of those!

    I really think that 82 kg (or even 87) is totally fine. Problem for me is that my weight is 75kg of Gary and 7kg of chocolates. Dont fancy running with that on my back (or my belly) :)

  3. neil says:

    Loads of people run with camelbacks, so whats wrong with a camel-front?

    Graeme, you have to rememer that Gary is a bit shorter than most, so I guess 82kg is quite alot for a wee guy! 😉

    Gary, what half marathon do you have in mind?

  4. Graeme says:

    Gary, thought you may be interested to know that this weekend a certain person you know who shall remain nameless (ok it was Neil) weighed in at a chunky 95.2 kgs prior to the start of the West Highland Way Race!

    • Gary says:


      Thanks for the tip-off!

      That’s almost a Kg for every mile he ran. The country side must have taken one hell of a beating…

  5. neil says:

    The scales were wrong.

  6. Gary says:

    I hear it’s all that big city, London lifestyle that’s packing on the pounds…

    Dinner at the Savoy, anyone?

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