Neil comes to Stockholm, runs around and around…

Neil ran the Täby Extreme Challenge (161Km in 16 loops around a lake and some of Täby) and I paced him for 3 circuits during the hours of darkness. Was more of a long walk by that time because he had already been running from 10am. He finished in 29hours 15mins.

Even my legs are sore, so I have no idea how Neil does it.

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4 Responses to Neil comes to Stockholm, runs around and around…

  1. Gordon says:

    Gary as to how Neil can manage to do that. Its simply he is crazy!!!!

    • neil says:


      How can you say that?

      You hurt me to the core!

      What is crazy about running/ moving 16 times round a 10k circuit — Are you mad?

      Just remember that I’m going to be your coach when you step up a distance (when I’m retired!). You are doing next year’s WHWR aren’t you??

      The same race on 10th April next year, fancy it??

  2. Gary says:

    Gordon, you are more than welcome to stay at my flat when you come over to do the race. The start line is only 30 mins from my flat so it will be very convenient for you…

  3. Gordon says:

    As much as the offer of support is appreciated gents. I’m afraid that running that sort of distance is just not something that I would be able to attempt.

    Its far better left to the experienced runners like yourself Dr Mac!!!!

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