Well Done, Ref…

I’ve said that for a while that Scottish Football is in need of some quality strikers and now it seems like the referees have decided to take on that role.

I actually think they are doing the right thing. I think that Celtics actions are way over the top and are more an attempt to hide the fact that their team is rotten rather than borne out of any genuine grievance.

One thing that I found ridiculous was George Peat’s press conference (in the video of the link above) where he said:

The behaviour of some people in recent weeks has tarnished the image of Scottish football. It has demeaned the game.
The climate of inference, innuendo and conspiracy theories must stop.”

He was immediately asked
Who are you talking about in particular, George?

and he replied…

You can judge for yourself, I’m not mentioning any names.

Isn’t that a healthy big bit of inference?

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