Lidingöloppet number 2!

Neil was across here for the weekend and we had a nice time together, interrupted only by having to go out and run around the forests of Lidingö for several hours.

Yep, it was the (in)famous Lidingöloppet, the worlds biggest cross country race (in terms of participation, according to the organisers).

Last time I ran this in 2007 it was a struggle to say the least. Although my legs are telling me otherwise, it was a better experience this time and I managed to scrape in under three hours.

Neil did well again, coming in 3734th place with a time of 02:48:05. Although last time in 2007 he ran it in 02.47.35. That’s 30 seconds more, you must be getting old Neil!!!! 😉

My 2007 time was 03.19.45, but this time I came 4865th with a time of 02:54:56, so I must be getting younger!

Here’s some pics of me and Neil finishing taken by Maria at the end line:

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4 Responses to Lidingöloppet number 2!

  1. Gordon says:

    Well done Gary thats an impressive time you got there. With that sort of time improvement you’ll be entering the WHWR soon 😉

    Congrats to you as well Dr Mac. Good to see you keep the younger brother in his place :)

  2. neil says:

    Hi Gary,

    Uploaded my Garmin details, and just wondering how your race was 1/4 mile shorter than mine!

    Hope the legs are recovering.

    Been out training for the TEC yet?


  3. Gary says:

    Thanks Gordon, it was a nice stroll in the park…

    @Neil, you must have turned yours off later! Try and post the link to your garmin result here. It might not work though….

  4. neil says:

    Hi Gary,


    Yours has a larger climb though; you must wave your arms about more!

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