Quick! The Predictor!!!!

The predictor is back for another year. The first games are tomorrow, so you had better get signed up.

Neil can add a new mini league when he is ready and your points (or if you are RubbishRunner, your lack of points) will automatically get added when you join.

Let the battle commence!

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2 Responses to Quick! The Predictor!!!!

  1. Graeme says:

    Grrr! You may have bested me last season MacRitchie jnr, but this season will be different! Just you wait and see.
    Plus, you’re bound to miss a few weeks when you are off on holiday.
    Or should I say, you might enter some predictions on the few weeks when you’re NOT on holiday??

  2. Gordon says:

    Ah the predictor is back :)

    Had a decent start with 5 points yesterday.

    Got to agree with you there Gary. I can see the RubbishRunner struggling again this season!!

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