Some Pics and Thanks for the marathon.

My blisters and sore legs have more or less cleared up now. Still a bit of tiredness in the legs, but hoping that by the weekend I can go out for a little run around.

I was thinking about the marathon this morning and how weird it is to run in one. It’s basically a big human stampede and you kind of get carried along by all the other runners, otherwise I think I would have given up about 2/3rds of the way around.

Have to give credit to Neil for inspiring me to do the marathon (though it was Henrik’s present that actually got me to do it). A marathon would have seemed like an almost impossible task a few years ago, but because Neil showed that with a good deal of training and a lot of heart you can actually run super long distances, the marathon didn’t seem so impossible after all. That’s a good lesson for life “Nothing is Impossible”. Think I’ll sell that as an advertising slogan to Adidas.

At the end of the Lidingöloppet a few years ago, I was a complete mess when crossing the line. This video shows that with a bit of training the outcome can be very different.

And of course, there is always a reward at the end… :)

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