The season ends

OK, I’ll hang off on commenting on the election at the moment until we see what government is formed.

On to more important matters!

The last day of the predicting season is tomorrow and I have fallen considerably behind my rivals …

103. frazman78 190
1320. gudgeb 169
2932. stideon 157
4932. GaryfraetheDale 146
5779. rubbish_runner 140
11441. craigyule 56
18982. stuartybrown 5

With 6 games left to predict, I will have to go for a clean sweep in order to catch Stideon. (I am ignoring the threat of the Rubbish Runner with the hope that he will forget to put his predictions in).

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One Response to The season ends

  1. Graeme says:

    Alas, Gary I did not forget. However I wish I had, as this would have given me a convenient excuse for not beating you!
    Had Celtic not got a winner against Hearts I would have been victorious!

    (If you can call finishing fourth victorious anyway) :-)

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