Why we had to move…

This music video was filmedĀ  where we used to live, in fact just about 40 yards from our front door.

Doesn’t give the best impression of the place.

Thanks to Niklas for the tip!

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2 Responses to Why we had to move…

  1. Graeme says:

    Reminds me of Dundee for some reason. Apart from all the naked people.

  2. neil says:



    Watch what you are saying. Rinse your mouth out. Daring to criticise the Bonny city of Dundee! From the lofty hights of Bathgate! Ridiculous.
    Dundee, as well as being a UN intelectual capital is one of the fairest cities on the planet (excepting the DD3 7JW area obviously!) (very localised; DD3 7JY much better; less tangerine for a start)

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