The weather…

… is conspiring against me.

It’s been cold, but clear weather for the last two weeks, but with my big move coming up on Saturday, the snow is falling very heavily today and is set to continue for the next four days at least.

The stuff still has to be moved though, as this is the last weekend of our lease. Anybody got a motorised sledge?

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5 Responses to The weather…

  1. Graeme says:

    Gary, I feel your pain. As I approached my house move just before Christmas, to the stop of a big and rather steep hill I may add, it started snowing and didn’t really stop for about 3 weeks.
    Doesn’t everyone in Sweden drive snowmobiles anyway? :-)

  2. Graeme says:

    Obviously that was supposed to say top of a hill!

  3. Gary says:

    Haha, Sounds familiar!

    We also had to move furniture over that snowy Christmas week. We hired a van and had to drive it from West Lothian to Aberdeenshire.

    My Dad thought it would be a good laugh to start the van in gear while no-one was actually inside the van, and snapped the handbreak while we were still in Armadale.

    The picture of a van full of furniture stopped at the top of a steep snow covered hill with only two bits of wood stopping it from rolling down into the neighbours house was like the opening scene from an episode of 999 with Michael Buerk.

  4. neil says:

    Ah hum,

    Lets just hope the “van hire company” aren’t avid readers of “”….

    or your mother!

  5. Gordon says:

    Health and Safety is far to overated in this day and age :)

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