The new gaff!

What a couple of weeks! We now have the keys to our new apartment!

We bought it back in November and it has been a real roller-coaster getting the mortgage to pay for it. We thought everything was going to be fine and then last week, the bank pulled out at the last minute.

I had 2.5 days to organise a new mortgage with another bank or else we would have risked losing our deposit (It normally takes 3 weeks to organise a mortgage).

On Monday the 11th we got the OK from our new bank at 12 noon and our deadline was 15:00, so in the end we actually had plenty of time, so I don’t know why I wasn’t more relaxed. :)

The start of the year has been a bit weird what with all this stress to do with the mortgage, but I’m convinced that things are on the up now and we’re gonna have a great 2010!!!

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8 Responses to The new gaff!

  1. neil says:

    Most important question:

    When is the housewarming?

    Look forward to hopefully seeing the new place soon.

  2. Gordon says:

    Congratulations Gary.

    Glad to hear that you got everything sorted out.
    I’m buying a place at the moment and really hope it is a lot more straight forward than your experience.

  3. neil says:

    So Gordon,

    The important question:

    When is YOUR housewarming?

    and an even more important question:

    Did anyone get an invite to chez Stein for Graeme’s housewarming?

  4. Graeme says:

    They’re in the post. Honest guv’.

  5. Gordon says:

    I’ve no even signed the missives yet!!!

    Don’t worry though i’ll make sure you get an invite once we get something planned :)

  6. Gary says:

    Haha “missives”! That’s a great word, but I have no idea what it means. You always here people saying that when they talk about houses though…

    I’m disappointed that they don’t have missives here in Sweden, cos I would have liked to have signed them. Though I don’t know what they are, so maybe they do have them and maybe I did sign them. I signed a lot of things…

  7. neil says:


    Royal mail is shocking these days.

    Know you won’t believe this, but still no sign of it!


  8. Graeme says:

    I’m shocked.

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