Happy New Year

Back in Sweden now. I flew over on Monday, but my flight was delayed for a couple of hours and they let us board the plane but then sat there for hours on the plane. The reason? The toilets had frozen!!!

Someone had left the water in the system overnight and we all know the icy temperatures we have been having in Scotland and the toilets couldn’t flush so we couldn’t take off!

Anyway they solved it and we got over in one piece.

New years day for me was a nice one. Not only did we get a nice Goose for dinner, but I also got a bit of exercise under my belt.

Neil was doing the Edinburgh new years triathlon, so I took the chance to climb up Arthurs Seat. It was like an ice rink and I only had my trainers on, so it probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but the views were cracking, looking over to the Pentland Hills which were covered in snow.

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