
Today was the launch of the white paper on a referendum for constitutional change in Scotland. (Launched at my old university actually).

You can download and read the white paper for yourself here.

It’s 194 pages, so I haven’t read it all myself yet, but it’s got a lot of nice pictures. :) The main meat of the document starts on page 136 until the end. A red thread through the document is that the people should decide and that it shouldn’t be left to politicians to say. Wonder who they could mean?

It actually took me a bit by surprise with it’s 4 suggested alternatives (to me it should just be 2). These are…

1) Do Nothing
2) Do Nothing Important
3) DevolutionMax (TM)
4) Independence

I was surprised that number 3 made it in, but it is the most likely to actually be voted for (too many fearties in Scotland), though it might split the independence vote itself.

If we do go for option 3 though it will be such a big step forward, that it will make full independence almost inevitable, but it will take another 20 years. At this rate, I’ll be an (even) old(er) man before we finally get there.

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