New York, New York…

Haven’t updated for a while, just been a crazy couple of weeks. Last time I posted that I was in Boston on a little work trip. That all went well and late on the Friday evening we travelled down to New York for my first trip to New York City!

Before moving to Sweden I had looked at a program where recent graduates from UK universities could go and do internships working in Manhattan and living in across the water in Jersey City. I had just turned 24 at the time and although it really appealed to me, I decided not to apply as I had a great job that was paying about 7 times what an intern got paid. Also, the thought of switching job status from a design engineer to a coffee fetcher wasn’t too appealing. It would have been something to have moved to New York at age 24 though… (would have probably came back in a body bag!)

Anyway, six years later, we finally met at last. I have to say that while I could take or leave most American cities I have been to, New York city felt very cool. Well, Manhattan did anyway. We were staying in Brooklyn and again, it was OK, but I wouldn’t live there. Suppose I would just have to save up and get a Manhattan apartment…

I’ll post some pics from the visit later this week.

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