Sometimes you want to go…

It’s been a really busy few weeks lately with a lot of work, searching for a new place to live, organising the party and a few other things. On top of this was a work trip that I have had planned for about a month.

On Friday I flew to Boston via Iceland (Iceland on the second of October reminded me very much of Scotland in December weather wise).

Boston seams pretty nice. It was Friday night by the time I arrived, so we just went and grabbed some food downtown before crashing out. Saturday was working all day gathering together everything needed to make a super big fancy network thingy-dingy but we went out for a late dinner at Limoncello’s which was superb, but a bit crowded. I had the Linguine with Stoney Island Clams in the white sauce. Very tasty.

Sunday morning was up early and actually building the network we had been planning the day before. It went smoothly so late in the afternoon, we headed up to Lexington which is a nice small town, very different from Boston and is famous for being the place where the first shots of the American revolution were fired. We done some tours of the houses there and heard about who was behind the revolution and why it happened.

Unfortunately, Monday was the start of the work week proper. We did get out and went for about 45 mins cycle across the Charles River, and along Memorial Drive which takes you parallel to the city, so we got some good views. That was at 7am, so it was pretty nice. After that though it was work all the way and it’s now approaching half midnight and I’m going to bed as we will have another busy day tomorrow.

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2 Responses to Sometimes you want to go…

  1. Gordon says:

    Hi Gary,

    I was over in Boston earlier this year. It is a very nice city, especially for America. If you get a chance I would recommend that you head up to Harvard to have a look around and also Bunker Hill monument (great views over the city and a guaranteed bout of vertigo!)
    Also the Sam Adams is well worth a pint or 2.
    Don’t work too hard over there.



  2. Graeme says:

    Sounds like another holiday to me……. :-)

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