Wendy Watch: Day 1

I really think I am onto something here about the pictures of the Labour leader in Scotland, Wendy Alexander (See the post that is two down).

I said that somehow there is always ridiculous pictures in every article about her and that I think this is because male political editors deliberately choose these to make her look stupid because she is a woman.

Further evidence today from the BBC website. This is the picture from the latest story about Wendy… (UPDATE: The picture hass now been changed, but not before I recorded it here!)


Let’s compare that to the picture in a story about the Prime Minister Gordon Brown on an identical topic (illegal fund raising by Labour).


Brown is no oil painting, but who looks like a strong leader and who looks like a wee lassie? OK, we can all agree that Wendy does not photograph well, but I think there is something more disrespectful at play here. Today, I’m launching “Wendy Watch”, where I’ll report any more sightings of deliberate usage of stupid mug-shots.

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