It’s a Must!


One of the best things about living in Sweden at Christmas is Julmust, the special drink for Christmas that is both delightful and suprising.

It’s certainly a delicacy for this time of year, as it’s only really on sale in December and January. It’s my second favourite type of “must”, my favourite being Påskmust which gets sold around easter and has a cheekier flavour with a hint of the easter-bunny.

I looked up Julmust on the Internet and according to Wikipedia…

“Must was created by Harry Roberts and his father Robert Roberts in 1910 as a non-alcoholic alternative to beer. The syrup is still made exclusively by Roberts AB in Örebro. The original recipe is said to be locked up in a safe with only one person knowing the full recipe.”

“45 million litres of julmust are consumed during December (to be compared with roughly 9 million Swedes), which is around 50% of the total softdrink volume in December and 3/4s of the total yearly must sales. In Sweden, Julmust outsells Coca-Cola during the Christmas season; in fact, the consumption of Coca-Cola drops as much as 50% over Christmas.”

Whahey! Julmust is the Swedish version of Irn-Bru!!! Will never be as good as the mighty ‘Bru though. Here’s my favourite Irn-Bru advert where the snowman flys past Scottish landmarks.

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One Response to It’s a Must!

  1. neil says:

    Hope you’ll be bringing some Julmust over to Scotland at Christmas time to share with all your many (?) and avid (??) readership over here?

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