Mum’s Birthday

When my Mum and Dad were across the other week it was my Mum’s birthday and a big one at that! 21 again! :)

We started the day with coffee and birthday cake and then went downtown and took a steam boat sail up Lake Mälaren to Drottningholm, the home of the Swedish royal family. Again it was about 28 degrees and sunny.

After we sailed back to Stockholm we went home and got changed and met Maria downtown to take a little celebratory dinner!

First we went to Monteleous Väg and had some fizzy wine and a look over the city, then it was onwards to Gondolen where we had a super nice din-dins (I had half a lobster for the starter which was more or less the best thing I’ve ever had for a starter, Corn fed chicken stuffed with truffles for the main course and a three chocolate and berry sauce desert…)

After the dinner, we retired to the bar which hangs over the city and sampled some of the fine cocktails… A great day and happy birthday again Mum!

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4 Responses to Mum’s Birthday

  1. Gordon says:

    Why am I not surprised to see that Neil couldn’t wait for the photo to be taken to have a drink :)

  2. neil says:


    You wound me to the core!

    That was not me taking a drink, but by younger brother who looks nothing like me!

    And I thought you were a friend? :-)


  3. Graeme says:

    Funnily enough Neil, when I saw Gordon’s comment I did think to myself: “Neil looks strangely like Gary in that photo” :-)

  4. Gordon says:


    It must have been the eyebrows :)

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