
For the last week I’ve had a cold, but yesterday I decided to get out the house and head down to a Christmas market at the art school.

It was nice, but too many people.  I was just standing at the back while Maria got stuck in and bought some earings and a necklace.

Came home and collapsed in exhaustion! Need some tasty beverage to help me get back to speed, any suggestions for a Christmassy drink?

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2 Responses to Gary’

  1. Graeme Stein says:

    Don’t suppose you can get Buckfast in Stockholm? Shame really, you could have heated it up and added some spices and things. A sort of mulled Bucky if you like.
    That would put some life in you, I’m sure.

  2. Gary says:

    Mulled Bucky!!!!

    That would be a taste sensation!


    I was speaking to Neil today and he told me he showed you a picture of me after running in a certain race. Thats the same effect as mulled bucky would have!

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