Fantastic Sven gets a point!

I never played in the Fantastic Sven’s game on Sunday as I was in Scotland, here’s the report from Alex:

Background: it was a stunning day around 26 degrees celsius and we
played with the big goals.


Henrik (goalkeeper and Marcus friend)
John ?! (Chafic’s friend)
and 2 guys Marcus met on saturday playing in the park

Result: 6×6

We started one goal behind then we made 4×2 and held for a while.
Untill they made 4×4 but we managed to make 5×4 in the first half.

The secound half was very hard because we had only one sub and they
had 4. So they kept runnnig more then us and scored 5×5. We managed to
score 6×5 but then the team was very tired. They kept coming to us and
we kept defending until the last minute thay scored from a corner kick.

All the players did a very good job specially the new guys. I think we
played really well.

Congrats everyone. Next time we’ll beat them!

Looks like I’m not needed in this team…

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