The Fantastic Sven

When I first came to Sweden I played for the local university pub team in the student football league. It was great, but I wasn’t.

In a bid to reclaim lost glories, I decided to play in this years tournament as well. Only problem was I had no team to play for. So I started my own team. Problem solved.

We are called The Fantastic Sven, and our first game is tomorrow against “Csamh Saints” at Gärdet. Unfortunately, the league is starting a week late, so each team has to play twice on one week. This week it’s us and on Sunday we face the mighty “Lilla Blå”. Two games in less than 21 hours, just as well I’m a professional athlete.

Be prepared for this blog to turn into The Fantastic Sven Blog over the coming weeks as…

Match update tomorrow!!! ‘Mon the Sven!!!!!

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