What happened!!!!

I haven’t looked at the mini-league for a while and there is only 3 sets of games left. I went to put in my results for tonight’s games and saw this…

1544. wealsohatedufc 164
3253. rubbish_runner 152
3303. GaryfraetheDale 152
7440. stideon 119

When did this happen????? I thought I had this in the bag!!!!

In fact I was so far ahead, I even stopped paying attention. But now it’s game on.

There are a total of 18 matches with three points each available. That’s 54 possible points and I’m 12 points off the lead. It’s going to be tough, but if we keep believing and all the boys play as a team, we might just have a chance…

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8 Responses to What happened!!!!

  1. Graeme says:

    A chance of clawing back a 12 point deficit? No chance, more like. Gordon has been exceptionally jammy in the last few weeks, and I have now given up all hope of beating him. Now my aim is to finish in front of you. Sorry.

  2. Gary says:

    That’s defeatist talk.

    I will prevail !!!!

  3. Gordon says:

    Jamminess has absolutely nothing to do with it. I’ve just be very sensible in my predicting. Its all about playing the odds you know.

    I’m looking forward to taking a nice crisp new tenner from you PC Stein :)

  4. Graeme says:

    Very, very jammy indeed. Can I pay by instalments?

  5. Gary says:

    So money is Gordon’s motivator…

    Can I offer you 17 Swedish Kronor to drop out of the title race???

  6. Graeme says:

    How many Swedish Kronor do you get to the pound these days?

  7. Gary says:

    About 12, but give it six months and it will probably be parity…

  8. Gordon says:

    Instalments!!!! No chance.

    Gary make it 170 Kronor and i’ll think about it :)

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