The Hawk

What did you do with your extra hour on Sunday? I spent most of mine throwing sticks at a 4 foot long synthetic hawk that was stuck in a tree.

Let me explain… Last year I was walking through Tiananmen square when I saw some of the locals flying kites that were shaped and looked like coloured eagles. Must get me one of those I thought!

Last time me and Maria tried to fly the hawk (as we call it) it wasn’t windy enough so it crashed into a tree and one of it’s eyes fell out. On Sunday it was really windy, so we took Ol’ One-eye out for a spin and actually got him to fly. It looked great as he soared high above the park and the lake, really impressive.


Unfortunately, when I took over the controls, he decided to “perch” in a tree. Must have been looking for his other eye? Anyway, I spent an hour throwing sticks at him to get him to come down but to no avail. He’s still up there, so if anybody finds a four foot long chinese hawk with one eye, please return him to his rightful owner…

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2 Responses to The Hawk

  1. neil says:

    Guess what you might have as a present from Beijing?

  2. Pingback: » Blog Archive » Hawk No. 2

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