
My last blog post was after the relief of getting an important order at work out the door. I thought that I would be able to relax… Lasted about 6 hours and then got a phone call from the customer saying that it didn’t work :)

So, on Friday I was at their offices trying to fix it, should take an hour I told them… 7 hours later I was still sitting in their offices all alone. They had given me the keys and told me to put them through the letter box when I was done. Very trusting of them…

It was about 8:30 when I came home, dumped my laptop and headed back downtown to go for a birthday dinner of a friend of Maria’s. It was at an Argentinian tango club, called Pele’s which was filled with drunk Finnish pensioners. Our table was the only people not Finnish and under 60. Food was nice, company was nice but the dancers kept invading my personal space while I was eating by dancing right up to our table. Having grown up with Neil, I’m always wary of someone approaching while I’m eating in case they try and steal my food…

Came home, passed out.

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One Response to Pele´s

  1. neil says:

    Cheeky little so-and-so!

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