An upgrade…

OK, It’s time to bite the bullet!

I have been using an old version of WordPress for ages to host this blog, and it just cant keep up and it was becoming a pain to keep writing new articles for this blog.

I’m now upgrading to WordPress 3.01. Expect some things not to work for a while…

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3 Responses to An upgrade…

  1. Mr WordPress says:

    Hi, this is a comment.
    To delete a comment, just log in and view the post's comments. There you will have the option to edit or delete them.

  2. neil says:

    Well, the screen is a bit wider, and the can (sorry, tin) has disappeared. Where is the picture of though?

  3. Gary says:

    Yep, this is just the default “theme” that comes with the new version of the Blogging software, WordPress.

    I will change some things about it, but I like the new wider screen as it’s easier to embed bigger photies and youtube videos.

    The real difference is behind the scenes. It now becomes a lot easier to write posts, especially posts that have media such as pictures. The photo upload feature of the old version of WordPress (2) never really worked well with new browsers and it meant that I would have to upload pictures almost one by one and that was a real pain in the you know what.

    Hopefully this platform upgrade will mean a more secure and faster system. We’ll see how it works out!

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