Run through the Forest, Run!

On Saturday I am running the Lidingö Loppet, (30Km cross country). I’ve been pretending to myself that it’s not really happening and of course two training runs will be enough practice…

Today a cold realisation hit me, of course 2 training runs aren’t enough, one of them was 3.6Km and the other was about 7.5! What I need is a third and final training run to bring me to the peak of my physical condition.

I was motivated to go out and run a long distance today because the alternative is to sit and write my thesis. I didn’t really have a plan so I just headed in the general direction of the sea and actually ended up quite near Lidingö, the island that the race will be on, so I ran across the bridge and back.

The whole route took me 2h10mins and I had to walk the last Km because my hips and legs were aching. When I plotted the distance (below) I was a little disappointed not to have made the 20Km mark. On the other hand, I hope that I haven’t overdone it and that I can still walk next Saturday!


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4 Responses to Run through the Forest, Run!

  1. neil says:

    Enough of this nonsense.

    We all know that you have been out training twice a day.

    Stop trying to lull all the other competitors into a false sense of security.

    P.S. Your bribe to your parents worked, and they managed to persuade me to have two puddings against my better judgement yesterday! No chance of keeping up with you now

  2. Cool comment.
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  3. Brandon Marc says:

    Hi Neil!

    I’ll be running the ‘Lidingöloppet’ next month (15km… not quite as brave as you) and am looking for a route map of the race so that I can do some training runs. Do you know of any such maps?

    Any info regarding the above would be appreciated!

    Brandon Marc – My Wine Cellar

  4. Gary says:

    Hi Brandon,

    I had a look through the normal places to find maps of runs (such as but unfortunately, I couldn’t find one.

    If you are in Stockholm, you should be able to see the track if you go to Lidingö, I think it’s marked on the trees etc.

    Good luck in the race and I hope the weather is better than we had it!

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