Keep on running…

After my last post on my fitness preparations for Lindingö Loppet, I got the distinct impression that “friends” and family were extracting the urine over my 3.6Km training distance.

So today I decided to really go for it, to hit the wall, to become one with my fancy running shoes… Just Do It!

Naw, just don’t do it. I’m completely knackered now and it is taking me all my energy just to raise a typing finger to scratch in this blog entry. This time I properly timed myself and I ran for 46 minutes. I used to be able to run 10km in this time easily, but according to GMap-Pedometer, my distance was 7.0618Km (still it’s double what I done last time). You can see my route below…


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One Response to Keep on running…

  1. neil says:

    Well done. Quarter of the distance in 46 mins, looking good for a 3 hour finish then??

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