Spots in front of my eyes…

Neil is coming across to Stockholm at the end of this month because I thought it would be a good idea if we ran Lidingö Loppet together. The race is 30Km cross country and is on the 29th of September.

I haven’t done any proper running (apart from chasing buses I’m late for) since a half marathon in September 2004. I have less than 23 days to get fit.

I decided tonight that I couldn’t put it off any more, so got my shoes on and hit the road. I ran around for about 45mins and although my vision had all turned blue, I survived. Surely that must have been around 10km I thought, but after putting my waypoints into the GMaps Pedometer, I found out I had only actually done 3.6446Km. :(

Ah well, I know that I’ll get at least 10% of the way through the course.

Training tips are welcome!!!

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4 Responses to Spots in front of my eyes…

  1. neil says:

    Good to hear that your training has started. I still suspect that you have done alot more and youre just trying to lull me into a false sense of security. Started my training yesterday with a run along the beach to the rocks and back, did the same this morning. Nice with the big red sun just coming up over the headland and lighting up the waves and the dunes. Might make it a regular start to the day, until it starts raining that is!

  2. Gary says:

    Sounds great, Neil! You should take a photo with that new fangled camera, phone, transistor radio thing of yours and I can post it here!

  3. Niklas says:

    Sounds like the training is going well. 30 km / 3.4 km * 45 minutes is just around 6 hours and 37 minutes. To put that time in perspective you could for instance compare it with last year’s result for men older than 70 years where the winner had 3 hours and 6 minutes :) Or maybe it’s simply time to by a new GPS?

    The film of the plant was powerful. I’ll e-mail it to everybody I know.

  4. Gary says:

    Haha, I could never keep that pace up over 30Km though Niklas! Maybe I should invest in a new tent. I might need to spend the night on Lidingö :(

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