Where did that come from?

I thought spring was on it’s way, but then out of nowhere came another foot of snow and freezing temperatures.

I was working late on Sunday at the office and ended up walking home at 1am. Not sure what the temperature was, but it must have been hitting -20.

I had poured some hot chocolate into a steel mug to drink on the walk home and after about 15 mins outside the dregs of the drink were actually frozen inside the cup. Was a bit like chocolate ice cream…

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Concatenate multiple text files into one using Windows

Here’s the problem, you get a hundred text files full of juicy details that you want to import to your database/excel sheet/whatever, but now you are faced with importing each one individually. Not nice.

Wouldn’t it be easier if they were all in just one big text file? Here’s how you do it in Windows…

Go to the start menu and run the program cmd.exe This brings up the DOS prompt.

Navigate using “cd” to the directory with your files.. i.e (cd C:/Users/Gary/Desktop/myfiles )

Then use the DOS Copy command to concatenate all these files into one single file…

copy /a *.txt aggregate.txt

This takes any file with a .txt extension and copies its contents into the aggregate.txt file in the same location. (You do not even need to create the aggregate.txt file yourself).

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This wheels on fire…

For about two years, I have been trying to buy a bike. Not exactly the hardest goal to achieve, but somehow or another it took me until a week or so ago to get my paws on one.

I have been biking to work this week and it’s been pretty successful, apart from this morning when some fresh snow was lying on the ice and my back wheel decided that it wanted to be the front wheel and I ended up skidding along the ice on my back for about 10m before a well positioned snowdrift put an end to my unconventional method of transport.

I better get some pictures of my bike up on this blog before it’s completely wrecked…

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Lazy Blogger

Sometimes you just don’t feel like you have much to blog about.

At times like these, it’s best to just go out and buy a brand new big TV!!!!!!!!!! :)

This one is 40″ wide while the old one was 40″ thick…

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Merry Christmas!

We had a great day today, hope you had too!

Merry Christmas

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Whats in a name?

The most popular baby names in Scotland for 2010 were announced yesterday. Top of the pile for boys was Jack (as normal).

Of course, the news was full of the odd strange name that was found such as “T”. (never done Mr. T any harm).

I remembered a story from earlier this year about derivatives of Mohammed being the most popular name for newly born boys in England, but because it has twelve different spellings, it didn’t feature in the official top list.

I wondered if this could also be the case in Scotland, so I dug a bit deeper into the statistics.

According to the official statistics, the name Muhammed was recorded 86 times and Mohammed was recorded 64 times. That’s a total of 150 and would put the name in equal 44th position with, funnily enough, “Joseph”, but behind Noah, Luke, Andrew, Thomas, Matthew, James and Judas. (only kidding about Judas).

If you look at the names per region, the Muhammed + Mohammed combination is a winner in Glasgow with 84 records, putting it in clear first place over Ryan at 59 and Jack with 58.

And the point of all this??? Nothing really, just mildly interesting to look at and compare to the bit of a whoo-hah that was generated from the English stories linked to above.

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Shortest day of the year!

Might be hard to believe as we sit in double digit minus temps, but summer is on it’s way.

I don’t know why they celebrate Midsummer so much in Sweden, I always think of it as the first day of winter. We should celebrate this day instead. The worst of the dark is behind us and the nights are fair pulling oot…

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Stuck at the airport…

We traveled to Bulgaria last weekend for Maria’s Mums 60th Birthday. Unfortunately, we got stuck in some bad weather and ended up flying from Stockholm-Zurich-Munich-Sofia and took the whole day.

Luckily we got to stay for free in the Business lounges at the airports which meant we missed most of the chaos. While we were in Zurich we were sitting with the world famous Pierluigi Collina. Such entertainment is the highpoint of any delay at an airport…

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Saffron glögg