More Work Stuff

Last week I mentioned that we had great fun delivering a system to a automobile fabricator. Well, here’s a couple of pictures to prove to myself that we actually managed to deliver one of these things!!!



Two beautifully engineered works of art side by side (Me and Emanuel designed the one on the right…) :)

The car  is for sale for only 1.5 million SEK ( 127,000 GBP). I’m open to offers for the system…


The system will sit in the window of the car showroom for the next couple of weeks as a pilot study. Should be quite interesting as it’s one of the busiest streets in Stockholm (depends if anyone can take their eyes off the car long enough to look at our box :) ).

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Scottish Politics

Great week this in one of my favourite topics (that probably bores everyone else), Scottish politics!

The leader of the Scottish branch of the Labour party, Wendy Alexander (remember her? The one they always make look daft in photos? See below for more proof) suddenly decided in response to a TV interview question that she had actually always supported a referendum on Scottish Independence and hadn’t in fact spent the last 6 months setting up a commission to avoid it.


Looks like she forgot to mention this long held conviction to her boss G. Broon. He said today that what she meant by “Bring it on!” was that we should all wait for the findings of a lengthy review that won’t even be looking at the topic.

I remember that the argument of the Unionist parties used to be that those who wanted independence were gambling with Scotland’s future. Now they have only been out of power for 12 months and they are happy to come up with policy on the same topic based on TV discussions.

I’m split over the idea of holding a referendum now. I think that people have been brought up to believe that Scotland is too wee, too poor and too stupid to stand on it’s own feet and it will take a long time to overcome that propaganda (maybe another generation?).

On the other hand, strike while the iron is hot and there is a feel good factor in the country. I’ve a funny feeling that the country is split right down the middle on this one.

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Photos from Riga