Film and dinner

Went to see the film “Johnny, Mad Dog” the other night and then dinner at Vapianos in Stureplan. Dinner was nice, but the film was about child soldiers in Africa and was quite disturbing. In fact quite a few people left during the film.

Makes you think…

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On the Monday Neil and I hired kayaks from Pampas Marina near Västra Skogen on Lake Mälaren. I said that we could try and kayak down to meet my Mum and Dad in the city.

I envisioned this to be a relaxing little paddle along the edge of the lake on a nice summers day. It turned out to be a trial of Herculean proportions!

It was about 30 degrees and it took us about 4 hours of paddling to get down and back. The total course was about 13Km as the fish swims, but with my erratic paddling style I think I must have done about 30…

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Neil Arrived

After Saturdays nice dinner out downtown, Neil arrived in Stockholm so it was back to old clothes and porridge 😉 Actually we went down to Ulriksdal Slot, near to where we live with a picnic and a bottle of Rose. Very nice it was too.

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Sollentuna and Hermans

My Mum and Dad were in Stockholm last week (and Neil joined between Sunday and Wednesday) that’s why there were no posts.

On the Saturday we went to Sweden’s old capital, Sollentuna and enjoyed the good weather!

Back in the city in the evening, we went to Hermans as they had live music and an outdoor BBQ along with the usual great buffet and view. Great evening watching the sun go down, good food and good company!

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Midsummer Weekend