Whats up?

Over the last couple of weeks I was in Scotland visiting home and getting up to all kinds of mischief.

I’ve got some good photos somewhere of me and my Dad up in Fort William and around Loch Lomond helping to get some little fishes ready for their long trip out to sea. Unfortunately, they are left on the computer at home so if my Mum and Dad can work out how to send them over, I’ll post them here.

It was great in Scotland, the spring was springing and nice flowers and green everywhere. I came back to Sweden last week and was immediately faced with the usual 2 foot of snow and ice and fell into a deep depression.

Starting to melt a little now though so hopefully in a couple of weeks we will have some decent weather here too!

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Thats Paintertainment

On Saturday we went to Stockholm Art Corner for two hours of Painterntainment.

Basically, me and Maria and three others had a couple of hours to let our creative juices flow and produce our own mini masterpieces from acrylics and canvas.

It was a lot of fun and now we have two fine pieces of art for our new apartment!

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Gudgeb, Your boys took one hellllll of a beating!

189.      frazman78      138
2347.     GaryfraetheDale 119
2573.     gudgeb     118
4133.     stideon     111
7366.     rubbish_runner     97
11249.     craigyule     56
18719.     stuartybrown     5

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But the winter has some benefits.

Pics of walking to work across the frozen lake on a sunny Friday morning in March.

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Foiled again

I looked up the hill and there it was. The bus 70. A comfortable, warm lift directly to the office.

The bus was one hundred meters behind me and the bus stop 200 meters in front of me. The race was on. Man versus Machine.

As I sprinted round the corner, I saw a shortcut through an even patch of snow that I calculated would be the difference between success and failure. I was right. The snow turned out to be two feet deep and slowed me down considerably.

One big jump to get out of the snow drift and back on to the hard compact ice of the pavement… One toe clipping a big block of ice and I’m now horizontal with the cold ground rapidly approaching.

As I lay star-shaped on the ice-gravel mix that has come to pass as a pavement in Stockholm over the last few months, I heard bystanders wince, small children laugh and the bus engine gently passing by…

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Scotland arrange Sweden friendly for August


I’ve been waiting for this for 5 years!!!


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My impressive run in the predictor league almost hit new heights at the weekend.

I had Rangers and Celtic to draw 0-0 and would have got the 3 points if it wasn’t for the old rule of “keep on playing til Rangers score”. (They finally scored in the 93rd minute to win 1-0).

Even despite this injustice, I now have clear water between me and Stideon and Gudgeb must surely be feeling the pressure.
106.     frazman78      136
1985.   gudgeb     116
2215.   GaryfraetheDale     115
3758.   stideon     108
7007.   rubbish_runner     95
11207.  craigyule     56
18663.  stuartybrown     5

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Snow fun

The weather has been really crazy here. Firstly, there has been snow (and lots of it) since about the 10th of December, so that is already about 80 days of snow in a row. Secondly, it’s been cold… It was -26 on Monday night here in Stockholm, but today it has suddenly changed. It’s +3 which is the first time it’s been above 0 this yearand the snow is getting a real fright.

Just as well that over the last few days I managed to get some enjoyment out of the winter.

As the busses and trains have been snarled up with the super cold temperatures at the start of the week, I decided to walk to work yesterday and took a little “shortcut” over the frozen lake at Brunnsviken. Was very nice to walk about 1Km across the lake and make it to work in less than 30 mins. Wouldn’t try that today though!

Last Saturday me and Maria were treated to a day out skiing at Flottsbro, just south of Stockholm by our friends as my birthday present for my 30th.

I’m not really the worlds best skier, but can basically stay upright on the nursery slopes. Of course I decided that I am now advanced enough to try snowboarding instead.

Was a bad idea. I managed to stay upright for a combined time of around 7 seconds. I fell about 50 times and some of my falls were quite spectacular (much to the amusement of passers-by). I’ve found that there is a big difference between learning these things as a 30 year old compared to as a teenager. A week later and I am still black and blue.

I changed to Ski’s in the afternoon and had a great time :)

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Stideon, no words are needed…

The Numbers speak for themselves:

81. frazman78 133
1456. gudgeb 115
2701. GaryfraetheDale 109
4365. stideon 102
6735. rubbish_runner 93
11167. craigyule 56
18590. stuartybrown 5

But what would be a suitable song?

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Why we had to move…

This music video was filmed  where we used to live, in fact just about 40 yards from our front door.

Doesn’t give the best impression of the place.

Thanks to Niklas for the tip!

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