Holiday Again…

Just a quick post to say there will be no more posts on this blog. (for at least a week).

Maria and I are off on holiday to Chamonix in France tomorrow morning for 6 days. (If there are any burglars reading this, don’t bother breaking into my house, I have a very vicious pet goldfish and nothing worth stealing anyway).

We’re going to Chamonix because my brother Neil is taking part in the Ultra Trail Tour du Mont-Blanc. Wikipedia describes the UTMB as…

“A mountain ultramarathon. It takes place once a year in the Alps, across France, Italy and Switzerland. The distance varies between 150 and 160km, with a total elevation gain of around 8500m. The race is run in one leg. Some believe that is the most difficult foot race in Europe.

To me it surely makes it more difficult to run with one leg. Why don’t they let them use both legs?

Of course, we’ll be there to cheer Neil on towards glory and hopefully everything goes well and he can enjoy a little holiday also. Lots of pictures of mountains coming up in the next post :)

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