Monthly Archives: August 2008

Norway (Part 2)

Now I’m getting around to posting some of the pictures from day of our trip to Stavanger in Norway (from the second week in August). We took a lot of pictures… The weather was great, blue skys and we went … Continue reading

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The bright side of life…

It seems there is a fine line between happiness and sadness. In fact accoring to this piece of “research”, the fine line is the width of a council boundary. This survey aimed to find the happiest place in Britain and … Continue reading

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On Sunday we were in Djurgården watching the last of Parkteatern, free outdoor theater which has been playing in various parks throughout the summer. After we came home, it was time to try out Maria’s sushi set that she got … Continue reading

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I was searching for some php scripts for a little web project I am putting together when I saw a hangman game on a site. I gave it a go and I have to say the word was a little … Continue reading

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Ping Pong

I met a Chinese friend today and the talk got round to the Beijing Olympics and the fact that Michael Phelps had won 8 golds for the US in various swimming disciplines. Kaiyu told me that people in China are … Continue reading

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Sir Penguin

Carrying on the Norwegian theme, did anyone see this story about the Norwegian king knighting a penguin at Edinburgh zoo on Friday? Class video…

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Norway (day 1)

Another busy weekend. On Thursday morning (very early) me, Maria, Henrik and Celeste took a trip to Arlanda and the flight to Stavanger in Norway. We got there about lunch time and it was raining heavily. We were only there … Continue reading

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Fishing Downtown

After the heavy rain that we have had for the last couple of days, I thought that they might be letting water out the lake at the barrage and that it might be stirring up some of the local Salmon … Continue reading

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The Predictor

The BBC game where you guess the scores for the SPL season is back after being missing for the last year or so. It’s called “The Predictor“. I’ve entered my prediction with the username garyfraethedale. Has anybody else entered or … Continue reading

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Weekend weather

The weather has taken a turn for the worst over the last couple of days with some places in Sweden having a months rainfall in 1 day. Luckily we managed to make the most of the good weather we did … Continue reading

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