Monthly Archives: September 2007

Spots in front of my eyes…

Neil is coming across to Stockholm at the end of this month because I thought it would be a good idea if we ran Lidingö Loppet together. The race is 30Km cross country and is on the 29th of September. … Continue reading

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Completing and re-starting university…

… all in one day. Thanks to something called the Bologna Process, the way that universities across Europe give out degrees changed this summer. This was quite good news for me as under the old rules, I wasn’t going to … Continue reading

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Plunging the depths of YouTube…

Two friends of ours, Barbara and Niklas, gave us a house plant as a present yesterday. This is no ordinary house plant, it’s called a Calathea and it moves between day and night (only the leaves, unfortunately, not the whole … Continue reading

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The Mamas and the Tapas

Went out last night with H & C to a tapas bar called Mamas & Tapas near RĂ„dhuset here in Stockholm. Best was the goat cheese and giant olives! It reminds me of the time me and Emanuel went to … Continue reading

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A belated update on our holiday in Chamonix. Short story: It was absolutely great! Long Story: Maria and I flew in from Stockholm to Zurich to Geneva and then got n airport transport to Chamonix where the rest of the … Continue reading

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