Author Archives: gary

Black Sea

Just drove a funnily exact 555km to get to Sinemorits. After 8.5 hours driving, my first course of action was to take a well deserved Burgasko beer in the Limping Jellyfish bar…

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Snake bar

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Snake bar

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Getting an upgrade…

I was sitting in Vienna airport waiting for a plane when I heard me and Maria’s names getting called over the PA system. Let me guess, our luggage has been destroyed in a controlled explosion? Nah, just a nice upgrade … Continue reading

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Working hard

Me and Jon were more or less the only two people in the building today at the office. Beautiful day outside so at lunch we decided that enough was enough and went for a wee swim in Brunnsviken!

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Great video

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We went to Taxinge Slott on Sunday where they describe themselves as having… “Northern Europe’s largest cake table with over 50 different kinds of cakes.” I turned my back for 10 minutes and Maria bankrupted us…

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Jubilee marathon!

Me, Neil and Henrik are signed up to run the Jubilee marathon in Stockholm next year. There were only 6000 places avaliable And 5000 of them were snapped up in the first 7hours, so if you want to come long … Continue reading

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In the pub

In the Liffy in Gamla Stan watching our singer sound better after 2mins singing karaoke with the house band than he does after 3 years in our band… The end of the Mango Chunks line up methinks.

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4-0 AIK

Just back from Rasunda stadium whete we watched AIK win 4-0 against a really rubbish Halmstad side. Sitting on a pleasent summers evening in shorts and t-shirt watching a good passing game on a perfect pitch. This summer football sucks…

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