Author Archives: gary

Nice Fountain

The fountain in Bergshamra is displaying a new feature today. Maybe a little case of someone throwing in a bottle of washing up liquid me thinks…

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I didn’t know Dundee United had a woman’s team. Seem about as good as the man’s team… Dundee Utd 0-21 Spartans

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Quick! The Predictor!!!!

The predictor is back for another year. The first games are tomorrow, so you had better get signed up. Neil can add a new mini league when he is ready and your points (or if you are RubbishRunner, your lack … Continue reading

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Sweden 3-0 Scotland But with Scotland playing in yellow, Sweden playing in blue and me and Neil sitting in the Sweden end, what more can you expect? I’ll post up some pics tomorrow.

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Going to the game!

Neil is over visiting us at the moment. Got back from Bulgaria at 11 on Monday night and found Neil sitting on my doorstep, looking a fair bit bedraggled. He had been in Malmö running a 250Km race that took … Continue reading

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I’m Back from Bulgaria!

I’ve been in Bulgaria for the last 16 days, but we came home last night. A good trip with Maria’s family and friends and even spent some time at the Black Sea.

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A different kind of half marathon…

You would get your feet wet running this 20Km… We have been really enjoying the fantastic weather here in Stockholm over the last few weeks. It has been sunny and warm for about 8 weeks now and we’ve been doing … Continue reading

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Gary, Maria and Edward the Eagle Owl

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Last week was midsummer, one of the biggest holidays in Sweden and we had a long weekend off. Midsommar always begins at about 18:00 on Thursday night when you realise that Systembolaget closes in an hour and you will not … Continue reading

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Paul the Psychic Octopus

I really thought that Holland would win last nights world cup final, so much so that I was going to place a little wager on them. That was up until Friday when Paul the Psychic Octopus said that he predicted … Continue reading

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